#Book Publishing
Last Updated: January 11, 2024

Here’s why you should Ditch the Traditional Way & Switch to Self-Publishing!


The world around us is changing rapidly, and so is everything with it.

Publishing books no longer requires sending applications to various publishing houses, waiting for their approval, owing them more than half of the royalties, and molding your creative art into a frame that fits their shelf.

Now, you can get your stories out in the world without all these hassles by choosing to self-publish your books. Let’s discuss this in more detail and see why you should ditch the old publishing way and switch to self-publishing.


Why Self-Publishing is Better than the Traditional Way?

Continue reading below to discover the various advantages that self-publishing offers over traditional publishing houses.



Self-Publishing Traditional Publishing


Excellent for testing the market

Requires commitment to a publishing contract.


Full control over content and design. Potential compromise on artistic vision.
3.        Swift publication timeline.

Lengthy and time-consuming process.


Earn higher royalties (35%-70%). Lower royalties (usually 10%-15%).
5.        Reach a global audience instantly.

May involve regional distribution.


Explore various writing styles and genres. More restricted by publisher preferences.


Build a personal author brand.

Less direct interaction with readers.

8.        Publish in various formats (print, audiobook, etc.)

May limit format options.


Share your work without rejection. Rejection letters can be demotivating.
10.    Engage with readers for instant feedback.

Limited direct interaction with readers.


Retain full ownership and control of your work.

May give up some rights in publishing contracts.


Publish from anywhere in the world.

May favor authors from specific regions.

13.    A growing and respected avenue for authors.

The traditional publishing landscape is changing.



1.      Test the Waters:


Self-publishing is an excellent way to test the market with your work.

If you’re unsure about the commercial viability of your book, self-publishing allows you to gauge reader interest without committing to a traditional publishing contract.

If your book gains traction and attracts readers, you can explore traditional publishing opportunities or continue self-publishing.


2.      Creative Control:

One of the most compelling reasons to switch to self-publishing is the level of creative control it offers.

In the traditional publishing route, authors often have to compromise their work to fit the preferences of publishing houses. Your story may be edited, restructured, or even rejected if it doesn’t align with their market expectations.

With self-publishing, you get the final say on everything, from the cover design to the story contents. This allows you to preserve the uniqueness of your story and maintain your artistic integrity.




3.      Speed and Efficiency:

Traditional publishing can be a lengthy and time-consuming process. It involves finding an agent, securing a publishing deal, and waiting for your book to go through various stages before it reaches the readers.

This can take years.

Self-publishing, on the other hand, is swift and efficient. You can publish your work in a matter of weeks or even days, depending on your preparedness.

This agility is especially advantageous if you have a time-sensitive message or want to capitalize on current trends.


4.      Higher Royalties:

In traditional publishing, authors typically receive only a fraction of the book’s royalties, often around 10% to 15%. The rest goes to the publishing house, agents, and various other parties involved in the process.

This can be disheartening for authors, especially if their book becomes a bestseller.

Self-publishing allows you to keep a more significant portion of your book’s earnings. You can earn royalties ranging from 35% to 70%, depending on the platform and pricing choices.

This means more money in your pocket for every book sold.


5.      Global Reach:

The digital age has made the world a smaller place, and self-publishing leverages this interconnectedness to the author’s advantage.

With online platforms like Amazon Kindle, Blurb, and others, your book can reach a global audience instantly.

Traditional publishing, in contrast, often involves regional distribution and may limit your book’s availability in certain parts of the world.

Self-publishing removes these geographical barriers, giving your story the opportunity to touch readers worldwide.


6.      Freedom to Experiment:

Self-publishing allows authors to experiment with different writing styles, genres, and niches.

You’re not bound by the preferences of a traditional publisher, so you can explore a wide range of topics and writing styles to find what resonates best with your audience.

You can also re-release and update your work without needing approval from a publisher, allowing you to adapt to changing trends and reader feedback.


7.      Building Your Brand:

Self-publishing allows you to develop your personal brand as an author.

You become the face behind your books, and as you release more work, readers begin to recognize your name and style.

This brand-building can lead to a dedicated fanbase that eagerly anticipates your next release.

While traditional publishing can boost your credibility, it often involves less direct interaction with readers.

Self-publishing encourages you to engage with your audience through social media, newsletters, and personal websites, fostering a stronger connection.


8.      Diverse Publishing Formats:

Self-publishing isn’t limited to eBooks; you can also publish your work in print, audiobook, and even multimedia formats.

This versatility lets you cater to a broader audience and experiment with different formats to find what works best for your story.


9.      No Rejection Letters:

In traditional publishing, rejection letters are a common experience for many authors.

It can be demotivating to receive rejection after rejection, even when you believe in your work.

Self-publishing eliminates this aspect entirely, allowing you to share your story without waiting for someone else’s approval.


10.  Immediate Reader Feedback:


One of the most exciting aspects of self-publishing is the ability to engage with your readers directly.

You can receive readers’ feedback, reviews, and comments almost immediately after your book is published.

This interaction can help you improve your writing and build a loyal reader community.


11.  Ownership and Rights:

When entering into a contract with a traditional publisher, it’s common to relinquish certain rights to your work, such as the authority over adaptations, translations, and reprints.

On the contrary, self-publishing empowers you to maintain complete ownership of your intellectual property. You can make decisions about how your work is used, adapted, and distributed.


12.  No Geographic Restrictions:

Traditional publishing often favors authors from specific geographic regions or those who can attend in-person meetings.

Self-publishing transcends these boundaries.

You can publish your book from anywhere in the world, making it accessible to readers everywhere, regardless of where you live or work.


13.  Evolving Industry Trends:

The publishing industry is continually evolving, and self-publishing is at the forefront of these changes.

As more and more authors turn to self-publishing, it has become a legitimate and respected avenue for sharing stories.

This shift in the industry’s landscape is a sign that self-publishing is a viable and valuable option for writers.


In a Nutshell


In a world where creative expression is more accessible than ever, self-publishing offers writers a powerful platform to share their stories without the constraints and hurdles of traditional publishing.

With creative control, faster publishing times, higher royalties, global reach, and the freedom to build your brand, self-publishing has become an attractive option for authors of all backgrounds.

While traditional publishing still holds its place in the industry, it’s essential to consider the advantages that self-publishing can offer, especially if you want to bring your work directly to your readers and maintain full control over your creative vision.

So, if you’ve been hesitant about self-publishing, it might be time to ditch the old ways and embrace the exciting possibilities of the new publishing landscape.

Your story deserves to be heard, and self-publishing can be the key to making that happen

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